"It truly makes the most beautiful music
Everything it has to give
It's everywhere hiding the listener
Without it I could not live
Everything it has to give
It's everywhere hiding the listener
Without it I could not live
Aquest dissabte uns quants anirem al concert de Sonata Arctica (S.A. -que no Soziedad Alcoholica XD-)
Aprofitant l'avintentesa poso alguna foto del grup i un tros de la lletra d'una canço.
Esperem les opinions d la gent respecte el concert^^
matta ne:)
El grup actual al complet.
Aquí veiem el senyor Tony Kakko en un moment de màxim esforç..
En aquesta foto veiem al virtuós Jani Limatainen... té l'art de dislocar-se la mà per tal de poder tocar wolf&raven XDD...un mestre^^
Seguidament us deixo la lletra de la canço de Black Sheep, és potser l'aspecte d la canço q es perd més ja q no és lenta precisament^^U... tot i aixi , no té desperdici:)
Per tots vosaltres:
In love with the maiden, The flower of winter
Lowbrow children, in grove of the inland
How many times heart's gone thru the grinder
Wherever you look there's a painful reminder
Singing a love song, words of a stranger
The howling miller, never to face her
Temple of the evil, Temple of the weak
No one knows how bad he feels
Late-night innuendo, tempetation of the key
"Live with the Blacksheep, live with me"
Insanity, blessing for those born to hate you
Burned by the embers of love, it is so cruel
Howling the night, for sun of the midnight
Serving the people, condemned you in the eternal night
Of the lost song, words of the stranger
The howling miller, never to face her
Temple of the evil, Temple of the weak
No one knows how bad he feels
Late-night innuendo, tempetation of the key
"Live with the Blacksheep, live with me"
2 comentaris:
Jo estic molt ilusionat. Serà el concert més gran que hauré anat ^^
Espero que ens ho passem molt bé.
(Tinc "endoll" a primera fila)
jo portare camera^^!!
ns veieem:)
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